Our Winemakers

Rudy Zuidema​

Rudy’s passion and focus on making wine for premium estate programs has never been more evident than in his role with Oak and Priest Wines. In the vineyard, he follows organic and biodynamic farming practices that naturally enhance the flavor diversity demonstrated by the vineyard’s rich tapestry of individual blocks. Rudy’s natural approach continues in the winery where he emphasizes classic, small-lot techniques and gentle handling to craft balanced wines that embody a sense of place with elegance, purity and power.


Rudy is the wine maker of The Bomb, Sin Toro and Out of The Park.

Sans Liege​

Winemaker / Owner

Curt Schalchlin

Growing up in East Los Angeles, Curt was not a wine country kid raised among the vines. At the age of 20, he got a glimpse of the wine world after moving to San Luis Obispo to attend Cal Poly. He quickly became enamored with winemaking and jumped right in, working in multiple central coast cellars to hone his skills.


In 2006 Curt launched Sans Liege (sahn leej) or “without allegiance” which aptly describes his tenacity to pursue winemaking unhindered by the trappings of any particular style. With roots now planted in Paso Robles, Curt is excited to have the opportunity to be a part of a winemaking region which is still shaping its history. For Sans Liege he focuses on producing world class Rhone varietals (especially Grenache) and favors character over notoriety when choosing vineyards for in diversity lies the promise of uncommon opportunity.


Curt is the winemaker of The Great Escape.



Our Wines